Miami EdTech and the “First Wave” of AI Literacy

Miami EdTech, an aiEDU partner, is leading efforts to increase access to artificial intelligence (AI) literacy for English language learners and underrepresented communities, particularly Spanish speaking students. 

Its AI literacy programs build on their existing offerings for communities across South Florida, which include educator professional development in computer science and STEM, curriculum development, and edtech innovation support through pilots, consulting and mentorship. To date, Miami EdTech has reached more than 7,000 teachers with computer science-focused professional learning and served over 20,000 students with hands-on STEAM programming. 

Carlos Vazquez, founder and CEO of Miami EdTech, said, "Language learners and folks from underserved communities tend not to be a part of the first wave of learners who access new technology or trends. They tend to be part of the second, third, fourth wave. We pride ourselves in making sure that they are part of the first wave. AI was a natural next step for us because for so long AI was this mystical thing.”

Miami EdTech now offers an AI registered apprenticeship program, providing a structured pathway for individuals to gain practical, on-the-job training in AI. Complementing this, their pre-apprenticeship program in partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) prepares students with foundational skills and knowledge, creating a seamless transition into the apprenticeship and workforce.

But it didn’t stop there. Miami EdTech continued to seek out more materials to help them  demystify AI.They connected with aiEDU and discovered AI Snapshots. It was exactly the kind of content they were looking to offer the students, teachers and communities they serve. 

“We wanted to make sure we brought AI literacy to folks in a way that was deeper than just, “ChatGPT, do this for me,’” Vazquez said. “It’s about helping people cultivate a mindset and way of thinking about AI.” 

In practice, Vazquez explained, that means teaching students to be critical and discerning users of new technology, like AI, through open dialogue and practical experience. Especially for Gen Z students and younger who grew up with devices in their hands, he said it is important to help students get inquisitive about how AI works. 

“We teach our students that you can accept what chat GPT provides you, or you can refine what it provides you through prompt engineering and building your own model,” he said. “That's the difference between a passive and an active mindset toward AI.”

Miami EdTech’s definition of AI literacy and its critical importance aligns with aiEDU’s own definition. AI literacy is the collection of skills and knowledge that a person needs to understand, use, and critically evaluate AI. A person who is AI literate has the ability to use AI tools to function effectively in modern society, which includes making informed decisions and developing their knowledge and career potential.

Starting with AI Snapshots, Miami EdTech has pioneered translating AI learning materials into Spanish. Their approach tackles barriers head-on by creating culturally relevant and accessible AI education programs. They also consulted Dr. Alexis Mabe, Ph.D., a distinguished curriculum director and recognized authority on AI in education, as well as an Apple Distinguished Educator. This partnership ensured that the material aligned with best practices in pedagogy, navigating complex barriers and ethical concerns around AI including misinformation and bias.

Looking ahead, Miami EdTech is excited about expanding their impact. They plan to continue to create opportunities for communities that historically have been left behind in technological advancements.

As Vazquez put it, "This is just the beginning of leveling the playing field in terms of AI careers." Vazquez is also doubling down on Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) as a pathway into careers like AI and recently announced the launch of GoSprout, a platform aimed at democratizing access to STEM careers through RAPs by simplifying the launch, management, and optimization for employers and organizations. 


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