Educator Empowerment

Professional Learning

Have you been curious about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it is impacting education? Are you interested in leveling up your AI skills and knowledge to support your engagement with students? Our Professional Learning is all about supporting educators with essential AI literacy to build knowledge and gain experience.

Upcoming Events


NEW Tuesday, 8/6, 4pm ET, AI for Leaders: Fundamentals - Register Now!

NEW Wednesday, 8/7, 4pm ET, AI Fundamentals for Educators - Register Now!

NEW Thursday, 8/8, 4pm ET, Understanding and Using AI - Register Now!

NEW Wednesday, 8/14, 7:30pm ET, AI Fundamentals for Educators - Register Now!

NEW Thursday, 8/15, 7:30pm ET, Understanding and Using AI - - Register Now!


Schedule Coming Soon!


Schedule Coming Soon!

Professional Learning Session Descriptions

AI Fundamentals for Educators

Teachers will articulate why AI literacy and AI readiness are important to them and their students.

Understanding and Using AI

Teachers will understand the mechanisms (e.g., machine learning, computational thinking) and the bias’ underlying AI technology so they have guidelines for their own and student use.

AI for Leaders: Fundamentals

Leaders will articulate why AI literacy and AI readiness are important to them, their students, faculty,

Additional Options

Are you interested in having us bring one of our established professional learning experiences to your large group?

Are you interested in working with us to design a workshop, presentation, conference panel, or other program for a large group?