More inclusive AI education
At SXSW EDU in Austin, aiEDU’s CEO talked about AI’s potential to reach neurodivergent learners
Killer Robots: Not Just Science Fiction Anymore
Description Line: While plenty is being written and said about the generative AI explosion, what’s going on in other areas of AI development? Take a dive into the world of Killer Robots!
10 Learnings from the AI Leadership Summit
Nidhi Parthasarathy, a high school student from the Bay Area, shares key takeaways on AI and education, and some personal insights.
AI and the Humanities with Special Guest Talos, the First AI!
We look at Greek (and other) mythologies to examine what was important to ancient peoples, and while they may have believed many things we know not to be true today, their myths illuminate that they often valued and thought about things that we value and still think about today. This would include, it would seem, the creation of artificial intelligence.
From Descartes to the Center for AI Safety; 375 years of Musings, Warnings, and Arguments Against AI (PART II)
This is Part II in a two part series. In Part I we began with the past year’s warnings from experts in the industry about the future of AI. From there we jumped back to 1637 and examined Rene Descartes’s view on automata, and then progressed through history up to Karel Čapek’s play “Rossum’s Universal Robots” in 1921.
Empowering Educators and Advancing AI Literacy with the AI Trailblazers Fellowship
The AI Trailblazers Fellowship enables 25 high school educators to take a lead role in shaping the future of AI in the classroom.
From Descartes to the Center for AI Safety; 375 years of Musings, Warnings, and Arguments Against AI (PART I)
Quite a few AI experts, executives, developers, and others have recently expressed a lot of concerns about the future of AI. So if you have concerns about AI yourself, rest assured you are not alone. Even if we ignore these more recent warnings, you are a lot less alone than you might imagine. Scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, inventors, authors, and plenty of other people have been questioning, warning against, and wondering about the future of artificial intelligence for hundreds of years.
Tales from the Chat Log
Why am I writing about the chat of a webinar? At aiEDU we spend a lot of time working on ways to help educators, whether that’s developing curriculum or other resources for students, or professional development and trainings for educators. One of the best ways to figure out what educators want and need is to listen to them. So we pay close attention to the chats of presentations that we give and attend, and this one struck me as worth sharing.
Defining Artificial Intelligence: Why it’s hard and what you can do about it
What is AI? Whether you are new to the term, an enthusiast, or even a professional in the industry, this is not easily answered. As is often the case with fields of study that are broad and currently evolving, the definitions are also broad and evolving.
Is AI Coming for Your Job?
According to folk legend, John Henry was a steel driving man. He drove steel drills into rock with a hammer for blasting railroad tunnels. When his livelihood was threatened by a steam powered drill, John Henry proposed a contest of man versus machine.
A Fireside Chat on Foundational AI Literacy and Equitable Economic Advancement
In a captivating fireside chat, Tiffany Hsieh, Director of Innovation Programs at JFFLabs, sat down with Christian Pinedo, Head of Engagements & Strategic Partnerships at aiEDU, to discuss the critical importance of Foundational AI Literacy and its impact on equitable economic advancement.
Readout from our Leadership Roundtables at SXSW
Most of the aiEDU team was on the ground in Austin, TX for the 2022 SXSW EDU conference, one of the biggest education events of the year. In addition to some long-overdue in-person team bonding, we hosted two Leadership Roundtables on AI Education and Workforce Readiness.
aiEDU’s Public Comment to the Ohio Department of Education
Last month, The AIEDU was invited to sit on an advisory group that is working on the state of Ohio’s strategy to revise its Computer Science Learning Standards. As part of that workstream, we submitted a public comment articulating our view about why it’s so important to include fundamental AI literacy as part of these revised standards. That full comment, along with the signatories from our network, is below.
Survey shows strong, bipartisan support for community-level AI education
Today, Seed AI, a new nonprofit advocating for more artificial intelligence (AI) resources for communities nationwide, released the results of a survey they conducted in partnership with Morning Consult investigating the public’s perceptions of AI. In short, there is broad, bipartisan, pan-generational support for investing in AI education.
aiEDU partners with Florida’s Leading Regional Economic Development Organization to prepare students for careers of the future
Building on its commitment to serve the underserved, the Florida High Tech Corridor Council (The Corridor Council) is partnering with The AI Education Project to solidify the fast-growing nonprofit’s presence in Florida and bridge the gap preventing disadvantaged communities from basic access to AI knowledge
Here’s what you need to know about AIEDU’s Forum on AI Education
Last week, The AI Education Project (AIEDU) hosted a virtual gathering of more than 100 leaders from government, K12 education, academia, and civil society for a conversation about how we can bring AI education to K12 schools.