supports aiEDU to provide AI education, drive vision for AI readiness announced it is supporting aiEDU with significant funding for aiEDU: the AI Education Project.’s funding will will drive forward the organization’s work in AI education and its vision for AI readiness. 

aiEDU is included in more than $25 million in fundings from to five education organizations that are providing AI skills training to educators and students across the country. Read more about Google’s investments here. 

“When we founded aiEDU in 2019, we wanted to create an organization that makes sure all students are ready to live, work and thrive in a world where AI is everywhere,” said Alex Kotran, CEO of aiEDU. “’s support will allow us to move our mission forward. We’re grateful for the support and for the recognition of this important work.’s funding will allow aiEDU to invest strategically in a number of critical ways including:  

  • Expanding aiEDU’s program delivery to build a ground game in more states and school districts

  • Conduct research and development to create and design more curriculum to help students and teachers develop critical AI skills

  • Exploring and building meaningful partnerships in communities across the US


Building AI Readiness Where You Are


Guest Blog Author! Ethics and AI with Dr. Graham Culbertson (part 3 of 3)