More inclusive AI education
At SXSW EDU in Austin, aiEDU’s CEO talked about AI’s potential to reach neurodivergent learners
Killer Robots: Not Just Science Fiction Anymore
Description Line: While plenty is being written and said about the generative AI explosion, what’s going on in other areas of AI development? Take a dive into the world of Killer Robots!
10 Learnings from the AI Leadership Summit
Nidhi Parthasarathy, a high school student from the Bay Area, shares key takeaways on AI and education, and some personal insights.
A Fireside Chat on Foundational AI Literacy and Equitable Economic Advancement
In a captivating fireside chat, Tiffany Hsieh, Director of Innovation Programs at JFFLabs, sat down with Christian Pinedo, Head of Engagements & Strategic Partnerships at aiEDU, to discuss the critical importance of Foundational AI Literacy and its impact on equitable economic advancement.
Readout from our Leadership Roundtables at SXSW
Most of the aiEDU team was on the ground in Austin, TX for the 2022 SXSW EDU conference, one of the biggest education events of the year. In addition to some long-overdue in-person team bonding, we hosted two Leadership Roundtables on AI Education and Workforce Readiness.
Here’s what you need to know about AIEDU’s Forum on AI Education
Last week, The AI Education Project (AIEDU) hosted a virtual gathering of more than 100 leaders from government, K12 education, academia, and civil society for a conversation about how we can bring AI education to K12 schools.