More inclusive AI education

At SXSW EDU in Austin, aiEDU’s CEO talked about AI’s potential to reach neurodivergent learners

Hale Durant Hale Durant

AI Summer Reading List

As school winds down for the year and teachers prepare for a much deserved break, I thought it might be prudent to offer a summer reading list for anyone looking to increase their understanding of things related to AI, or perhaps just enjoy some good fiction. No matter what you are looking for, hopefully something on this list will appeal to you.

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Kelsey Thompson Kelsey Thompson

Introducing Flex Plans

Flex Plans offer aiEDU’s proven AI literacy resources in a format that is engaging and effective for busy educators and their students.

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5 min, Blog Post Hale Durant 5 min, Blog Post Hale Durant

AI and the Humanities with Special Guest Talos, the First AI!

We look at Greek (and other) mythologies to examine what was important to ancient peoples, and while they may have believed many things we know not to be true today, their myths illuminate that they often valued and thought about things that we value and still think about today. This would include, it would seem, the creation of artificial intelligence.

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7 min, Blog Post Hale Durant 7 min, Blog Post Hale Durant

From Descartes to the Center for AI Safety; 375 years of Musings, Warnings, and Arguments Against AI (PART II)

This is Part II in a two part series. In Part I we began with the past year’s warnings from experts in the industry about the future of AI. From there we jumped back to 1637 and examined Rene Descartes’s view on automata, and then progressed through history up to Karel Čapek’s play “Rossum’s Universal Robots” in 1921.

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7 min, Blog Post Hale Durant 7 min, Blog Post Hale Durant

From Descartes to the Center for AI Safety; 375 years of Musings, Warnings, and Arguments Against AI (PART I)

Quite a few AI experts, executives, developers, and others have recently expressed a lot of concerns about the future of AI. So if you have concerns about AI yourself, rest assured you are not alone. Even if we ignore these more recent warnings, you are a lot less alone than you might imagine. Scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, inventors, authors, and plenty of other people have been questioning, warning against, and wondering about the future of artificial intelligence for hundreds of years.

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